Contribute to the Church

Stewards and friends of the Shrine are encouraged to donate to the Parish safely and securely through the options provided

below. Each gift made to the Parish is received with gratitude and will be lovingly used by our community appropriately and

as designated. Please contact the Church Office with questions. Thank you!

General Account

Donated funds to this account assist the Parish with operational needs as well as with special Projects as discerned by the Clergy and the Parish Council.


Greek Food Festi-Go Kickoff Liturgy Donation

Your donations last year helped make last year's Greek Food Festi-Go a success. In these trying times, that is truly an amazing accomplishment. On Sunday, August 15th we will be holding a Kickoff Liturgy for our Festi-Go. Donations towards this event will help with Festi-Go expenses and show your love and commitment to the future of our Parish.




Parish Projects

The parishioner's responsibility to continue to maintain the beauty and safety of our church complex
is of utmost importance. Donations to the Parish Projects Fund can help accomplish this task.



Specific Bequests Donation

During the course of the liturgical year, parishioners may desire to bequest gifts for specific purposes. Examples of these types of bequests include donations to cover the cost of the food festival and flowers during Holy Week. Please include in the note the specific bequest information.



Memorial Donations

Donations may be made in honor of friends or family members who have fallen asleep in the Lord.     
Unless noted, these monies are used at the discretion of the clergy to purchase icons and liturgical
items for the Parish.  Please include in the note, which appears after payment information is entered, 
the name of the servant of God who is reposed so that they may be included in our prayers.